movement Archives - Freestyle


Movement Strength and Skill

How strong do you need to be to squat 500 pounds? We could study this movement and talk about contractile forces at muscular level, but we can also simply say, “Strong enough to squat 500 pounds.

Superman Position

Superman Position

Going beyond the hollow body position while facing down is equally as important to begin adopting a more complete understanding on how our body moves through space. This is why going from a prone position, one can adopt an extended global shape static and with motion. These are known as the Superman and Superman Rock.

freestyle connection blog - Standing: The Foundation For Movement Control

Standing: The Foundation For Movement Control

Two of the most common words used to assess the quality of a movement observed in a sport or the gym are form and control. I like to think of form as the optimal technique and mechanics of a movement, and control as the ability to execute those mechanics properly. Being able to perform a movement with form and control is to say that you have mastered that movement.

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