What is the Freestyle INSIDER?
Carl Paoli's exclusive community for coaches, athletes, and creatives! This close-knit group encourages personal and professional development, emphasizes leadership, and helps bring your visions to life. The focus is to accelerate life performance in pursuit of specific career objectives while providing opportunities for networking and collaboration.
How does it work?
Every Monday, Carl facilitates Mentorship Monday - a live session focused on helping individuals enhance Clarity of Thought. It includes a lecture series, exchange of ideas, personal stories, interactive discussions, and tangible actions to aid attendees in their growth journey.
Along with Mentorship Monday, Carl also conducts Ask Me Anything sessions where participants can ask specific questions to elevate their performance. These sessions are then shared with the community for further engagement and discussion on the covered topics.
21-Day Guided Journaling | Expression, Experimentation, and Integration.
Carl has designed these stages to help you create a journaling practice that will assist in exploring your unique way of living, creating, finding mental clarity, and connecting with the world in a meaningful way.
Additional resources available in the Freestyle INSIDER
Active Reflection
Mentorship Monday a space is dedicated to guiding community members toward Thinking Clearly and finding practical solutions for bringing their ideas to life.
21-Day Guided Journaling is an immersive experience of the power of writing for self-discovery and developing mental clarity.
Take A Look is a space dedicated to sharing one's practice and getting constructive feedback.
Coffee Club is a gathering of insider minds dedicated to unlocking the meaning of practice, self-expression, personal development, and contribution to our respective communities and the planet.
Live Events
Lifestyle Design on the structure of our personal operating system and how to identify our habits, roles, priorities, and how we can reorganize ourselves to make decisions that lead to a more meaningful life.
Being Clear on how to design and create to deliver a powerful message.
Move Like You Care the importance of developing movement awareness and creating complete movement progressions, and I will address the principles for developing transferable skills.
Fit To Be on the practices of Emotional Fitness.
Movement Practice
Programs & Seminars
Freestyle Connection Movement Seminar that includes Carl's Freestyle Method and the practical application of his New York Times Bestselling Book, Freestyle.
Muscle Up Master Program includes 28 Days of detailed programming designed to assist all levels in learning how to do a muscle-up on bar and rings and for the advanced practitioner to take their performance to the next level.
Move Strong Program includes 79 movement progression videos plus a 4 Phase Program dedicated to developing movement quality from strength, stamina, and endurance perspective.
Note: You can cancel your membership at anytime.
What Insiders Think
I have been looking all around this space/community for the last two days. It is amazing!! Seeing how you have taken so much of what you have created and put it together and how it relates builds connections. So much thought, meaningful work contained within here. It is very encouraging. Thank you. Wow!!
- Kay Lybeck | School-Age Teacher, Author, and Artist.
- In a career transition or feeling stuck?
- Driven to elevate your performance to the next level?
- Prepared to invest in your growth and success?