About this episode

In today’s episode of The Freestyle Way Podcast Carl Paoli sits down with his friend and fellow Coach Logan Gelbrich – Founder and Owner of Deuce Gym.
Logan is no ordinary founder or former athlete. Logan is a thought leader who is obsessed with the idea of pursuing one’s peak expression even knowing that the chances of achieving said expression are slim to none. It is in knowing that the outcome of our efforts is out of our control where Logan thrives and zeros his focus in on becoming process oriented, exercising extreme vulnerability, and taking full ownership of one’s performance. Logan believes that in order to be able to pursue said standard of living, one must be willing to live in a constant state self development and hold oneself accountable to it by creating a structures and safe environments to do so.
In this conversation Carl and Logan do a deep dive into the principles behind his book Going Right, a term Gelbrich has coined as A LOGICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR PURSUING YOUR DREAMS and to show people how they may be choosing a disadvantaged position for growth and how one can change that. Logan’s principle of focusing on what one can control has led him and his team to develop a trusting and willing mindset open to change and evolve through operating at the edges of their abilities while constantly receiving feedback that whether negative or positive helps the individual and group course correct as needed.
Logan’s ability to cut through the hype is what has allowed him in his former goal of playing Major League Baseball to learn and create qualities in his character that has made him fit to do whatever he chooses in life. He knows in his heart that he has the ability to take on anything he sets his mind to and has proven this with the ongoing success of his organization Deuce and the individuals who belong to it.
After you listen to this conversation you will learn how holding the standard on relentlessly pursuing one’s peak expression and Going Right will inevitably result in not only a meaningful and deep body of work but also in a joyful experience.